Trinity has always been active in sharing the love of God with our neighbors. This includes a long history of care for Refugee families including things like food and clothing drives, direct assistance, and even our quilting ministry!
Due to circumstances beyond their control, several of the Refugee families in our community are in need of immediate assistance. They are in need of financial assistance to cover things like food and shelter as well as personal assistance like rides to school, job interviews, and medical appointments.
If you’re willing and able to help in any way with those personal needs, please contact Bess Fitzgerald (
If you’re in a position where you would like to help financially, you can either give electronically at the link below or send a check to Trinity (memo line “refugee resource fund”).
If you can’t help but want to, feel free to share this with others!
Thank you for considering and for all you do to share the love of Christ with those in need!
“…whoever gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones in the name of a disciple—truly I tell you, none of these will lose their reward.” – Matt. 10:42
We are also accepting all gently used and new clothing items for our Clothes Closet. We are able to accept all clothing items from 9-12noon Monday – Thursday and ask that you use the main glass entrance doors to drop off your donations. Please consider donating!